Shows the total number of people who subscribed


Shows the total number of people who have recently subscribed, which can build credibility to the offer and influence your visitors. This may help with your submission rate.

Instruciton #

  1. Copy the following HTML code.
    <div style="padding: 8px; margin-top: 12px; margin-top: 12px; display: flex; background:#edf9e8"><img src="" width="20" height="20"><p style="margin-left:4px;">198,323 users subscribed!!!</p></div>

  2. Click and select the form or button element you want to add the text, and click “Edit HTML”.

  3. Paste the HTML code at the bottom of your form HTML, and click Save, you will see the text added below the form or button element.

  4. Click the text you just added, edit the content to your own copy, and also edit style you want.


  • いいですね!
  • よくないです


